HEY buddies. my name is jihah for short my full name is nur najihah bt abdul halim. I'm actually was born in KEDAH . I have good friends FARHANA and AMIRA , both of them shoo cutee. My hobby is SECRET,SECRET and SECRET. My ambition is become ----.BTW, i really-really like SECRET things. THANKS for READING , sorry if my english so bad. I'm just a human being who makes mistakes.
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for the first time I saw him in my tumblr, he grabbed my eyes with his cute look. I wonder, how can a 6 year old boy has such a good look and be such a handsome boy like that. Yeah, he is sooooo freaking handsome for a 6 year old boy compared to the other with the same age.
His name is Daniel Hyunoo Lachapelle. With his cute pan-asian look of course you can say he is a mix Korean-American. His mother is Korean and father is American. This big-eyed boy is 6 years old and he is an "ullzzang kid" in Korea. In Korea, when you have been given a title of ullzzang, definitely you can be like an idol there. Completed with a good look or cute face with a right hairdo, snap yourself with an aegyo ( cutenees) and upload it on the internet, zassss~~ ullzzang for yourself but this is happen only in Korea I can say . There are tips to be an ullzzang.The next part okay :D
for the first time I saw him in my tumblr, he grabbed my eyes with his cute look. I wonder, how can a 6 year old boy has such a good look and be such a handsome boy like that. Yeah, he is sooooo freaking handsome for a 6 year old boy compared to the other with the same age.
His name is Daniel Hyunoo Lachapelle. With his cute pan-asian look of course you can say he is a mix Korean-American. His mother is Korean and father is American. This big-eyed boy is 6 years old and he is an "ullzzang kid" in Korea. In Korea, when you have been given a title of ullzzang, definitely you can be like an idol there. Completed with a good look or cute face with a right hairdo, snap yourself with an aegyo ( cutenees) and upload it on the internet, zassss~~ ullzzang for yourself but this is happen only in Korea I can say . There are tips to be an ullzzang.The next part okay :D
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