Wanna know me?
HEY buddies. my name is jihah for short my full name is nur najihah bt abdul halim. I'm actually was born in KEDAH . I have good friends FARHANA and AMIRA , both of them shoo cutee. My hobby is SECRET,SECRET and SECRET. My ambition is become ----.BTW, i really-really like SECRET things. THANKS for READING , sorry if my english so bad. I'm just a human being who makes mistakes.
<---------Change this about and put your bio if you want--------->
Tutorial : Letak Button Like Facebook Dalam Blog
Hello Everyone !Hri ni jha nk bgi stu tutorial untuk korang semua !* Tutorial : Letak Button Like Facebook Dalam Blog *tpi yg ni untuk sesiapa yg gna *Blogskins* ja okeyh !kalau spe yg gna biase tu, atau pon *Design*klau yg tu I Don't No okey :)
1. Dashboard -> Template -> Edit Html.2. Tekan Ctrl+F dngan serentak ! . Then korang cri code ni --> <$BlogItemBody$>3. Copy smua code kt bwah ni !
<iframe src="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="height: 62px; width: 100%" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
4.Kemudian, paste dkt bawah code <$BlogItemBody$> 5.Preview & save.